About Us

In 2004, Glen Mather was asked to go on a wheelchair distribution trip with the Wheelchair Foundation to Mexico City. When he arrived, he was deeply moved by the response and joy of the recipients, and decided that he wanted to find a larger way to help.  Through his company, employees, business associates and friends and family, he planned golf tournaments, dinners, author lectures, and special events like the Hero Games to raise funds.  With the kindness and generosity of others, the tribe of people wanting to help grew; so much so that he created his own charity: Chair the Love.

Chair the Love is a licensed non-profit organization (501c3) focused on providing equipment and services to people with mobility issues assisting them with regaining their independence. We have provided over 4,000 wheelchairs to those in need worldwide, built wheelchair ramps for people, and provided local schools with mobility devices for their clinics. We have worked with other disability-focused organizations in order to improve the life of those with mobility issues locally

How We Continue To Make A Difference

We continue to expand across the nation and worldwide with the support of organizations like Rotary Club, and are excited to grow our network of like-minded organizations and individuals as we all work to alleviate the devastating need for mobility worldwide! We also are proud of our partnership with the Wheelchair Foundation, where we have access to matching funds and efficient means of ordering wheelchairs.
You can learn more about our team and find our contact info here.

Our Work

Learn more about the work that we do and how we give the gift of mobility to those who need it!

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What we're doing right now

Check out what’s happening in the world of Chair the Love and who we’re making a difference by bringing the gift of mobility.

A Life Well Lived

Over 500 people were filled with anticipation as they gathered in the outdoor basketball stadium at American University of Managua on that hot summer day.  Oddly, it wasn’t for a

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